Saturday, May 19, 2012

Good Advice

"Be careful" is very good advice, but the best advice I was ever given in this life is "Count the Cost".

A very special person in my life once shared an important message, albeit a 'general' message for all people, "Count the Cost". When I first heard that phrase, I immediately thought of my Spiritual-journey, instead of my entire Life-journey as a whole.

As I sit back and reflect on the last nine years of my Born Again life, I am mostly disappointed in my decision-making, in the risks I took at the expense of developing my relationships, with God, my fellow-man and myself.

I live a very HIGH RISK life, in the sense that I will always go "all in" in the gamble that is my life. I give it all; hold nothing back and this has not always been beneficial. I have gambled away parts of my life that I can never get back, my heart is so damaged, I only seem strong because my emotions are covered in scar-tissue and keloids and this has had an incredibly devastating effect on my ability to relate and respond and even function in society.

I haven't been able to 'feel' God the way I am accustomed to in a very long while. I jump in and out of relationships, bringing to each, the baggage and hurts of the previous ones. I prayed for true (L)ove and God never denies me, but then I enter into a new relationship and leave Him behind... This is not how it should be.

I have many personal and spiritual regrets in my life, but I always look for the lesson or 'moral of the story' in each chapter that closes.

My most fulfilling relationship was when God re-enacted the Hosea-story in my life, showing me that I am not only able to forgive and understand, but that I also need to be forgiven and understood. When this relationship ended, of course there was pain, but there was also a sense of freedom, compassion and complete love. I walked away with no regrets or doubt; I truly let the other person go in the belief that if we were meant to be together, God would make a way...through the dark and brambles of life.

I just came out of a 14 month long relationship that ended because I was unfaithful and selfish and unkind to the other person's heart and feelings. I loved him, like I did the others before him, but I was never really content with my lot. I knew I wanted or needed something different, but I couldn't even be honest enough with myself (never mind him) to analyse the condition of my heart...

Now I am single again and at a point in my life where my true love wants to try again...and I'm not emotionally available to be Mrs Right to him. Do I ask him to wait indefinitely?
I am trying to work with God, I aspire to be a worthy partner, a Proverbs 31 woman, that I may lead by example and be righteous before His sight again.

Of course I am terrified, but I want to be able to leave it all behind and have a new, brighter future than the one I was setting up for myself, because that one was going to end in eternal misery.

Please don't get me wrong, I do not want to close my heart off from love, but right now, I am in no position to promise anything to anyone or pledge anything that I do not have to give.

Herein lays the problem: While God is eternally patient with me, waiting for me to 'get it', a man is not so understanding... At the same time, I cannot begin to presume to know anything about the work God is doing/has done in the other person's life.

So, do I risk another gamble in the hopes that it works out better this time round, or do I work patiently with God as he prepares me for my future?

My biggest fear is missing out on an opportunity of a lifetime BECAUSE OF fear...

Help me Father.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Prayer from a broken heart...


I am so lost. So afraid. I need you, but my jaw slams shut everytime I try to cry out to heart is not so easy to silence...

I keep playing it out in my head, what I'd say to you if I could only find the courage to. The sound of my own voice has filled me with fear, and this is how the devil keeps beating me...

If I had the voice, I'd tell you I am sorry. Sorry for hurting you. Sorry for walking away. Sorry.

I am filled with sorrow.


I am weary from it.